The page is divided into four main sections:

Each section allows you to examine overall trends as well as breakdowns by age, gender, education level, and political leaning.

Ability to Recognize and Influence AI

With artificial intelligence (AI), computer programs can perform tasks themselves and also learn themselves. AI is increasingly used in society, and also in online media. Many websites use AI to show you more content and ads you like. The following questions are about the offers (such as articles, films or songs) that are shown to you on websites and apps for news and entertainment (e.g. Netflix or Spotify).

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Usage of AI Systems

How often in the past year did you use…

Exposure to AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used to create artificial content such as text, images and videos.

How often do you think you have come across the following things on social media in the past year?

Familiarity with AI terms

How familiar are you with the following terms?