The page is divided into four main sections:

Each section allows you to examine overall trends as well as breakdowns by age, gender, education level, and political leaning.

Most Important Values

What do you consider the 5 most important values for automated decision-making systems? [only top important value shown]

Usefulness of AI

In most predictions, automated decision-making will become more common in the future. If so, to what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements:

More automatic decision-making in news media/the legal system/healthcare will be useful.

Riskiness of AI

In most predictions, automated decision-making will become more common in the future. If so, to what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements:

More automatic decision-making in news media/the legal system/healthcare will be risky.

Fairness of AI

In most predictions, automated decision-making will become more common in the future. If so, to what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements:

More automatic decision-making in news media/the legal system/healthcare will be more fair.